It’s not healthcare for everyone.
It’s healthcare for you.


Same or next-day appointments that start on time.


24/7 access to your doctor via mobile phone, office line, or email.


Modern space. No more stuffy waiting rooms.


Easy prescriptions and supplements.


Personal trainers and nutritionists who work alongside your doctor.


Comfortable robes and slippers. No hospital gowns.



Personal Concierge’s membership is designed for those who want greater control of their healthcare and a better sense of security.

Personal Concierge in Action

“My doctor knows me. So, when I came in with a seemingly small health issue, he realized immediately how serious it was. He called a cardiologist in the area and got me an appointment within hours. The cardiologist told me my doctor’s actions prevented a stroke. I’m frightened to think what would have happened without my Personal Concierge doctor.”

Personal Concierge Member

“My son was experiencing severe pain. My doctor performed some tests and created a nutrition plan based on immunological findings that dramatically reduced his pain. I’ve never had a doctor go beyond the obvious like that.”

Personal Concierge Member

“My family was preparing to sail around the world. My doctor prepared us by giving us the right vaccinations, preparing the first aid kit, making sure we took balance tests, and visiting the boat so she understood our environment. We also tested the satellite phone to make sure we could call her from anywhere in the world. That gave me such confidence and peace of mind.”

Personal Concierge Member